

Check out the latest news and events at Charleston School of Law.

Experiential learning prepares Raley for legal career

In the coming months, I am anticipating two significant events: I will take my final law school exams and I will work my last day as a law clerk

Faculty Scholarship News

The faculty at Charleston School of Law are renowned nationwide for their research and scholarship.

ABA Council on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar acquiesces in Charleston Law’s application for nonprofit conversion

J. Edward Bell III, the President of Charleston School of Law, announces that the American Bar Association’s Council on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar has “acquiesced” in Charleston School of Law’s application to convert to nonprofit status.

Law & Society Symposium draws AI thought leaders to Charleston

Katie Brown, Associate Dean for Information Resources at Charleston School of Law, opened the 16th annual Law & Society Symposium with some eye-popping numbers about the short history (and future) of Artificial Intelligence.

Eboné Ivory: No Excuses

Ebone Ivory, a 2L student at Charleston School of Law, was recently given the ‘Hope is Activism’ award from the Hive Community Center
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