Prospective Student Frequently Asked Questions

Application Process

How Do I Apply To The Charleston School Of Law? Applications for admission to the Charleston School of Law are available online at For more information, deadlines, and application steps, please visit our How to Apply page.

What Are The J.D. Degree Program Application Deadlines? The priority application deadline for fall 2025 admission is March 1*.

*Applications will be accepted until all seats are filled.

Admission Requirements

What Are The Requirements For Admission To The Charleston School Of Law?

  1. Create an account with the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) at
  2. Register and take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) by contacting the LSAC online at The Charleston School of Law LSAT Code is 5821. Or, based on the conditions here, you may register and take the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) by contacting ETS at In lieu of the LSAT or GRE, applicants may complete JD Next. More information about the course can be found at 
  3. Complete and electronically submit an application for admission.  Applications are at  (Visit our How to Apply page for additional information.)
  4. Register with LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS). Registration is available online at
  5. Submit two letters of recommendation. Applicants must use the LSAC letter of recommendation (LOR) service. At least one letter should be written in the past year.
  6. Submit a personal statement describing your reasons for wanting to attend law school, hardships or challenges you have faced and overcome, or relating other relevant information about yourself that you would like the Admission Committee to consider along with your application. Personal statements should be submitted online at
  7. Submit a current résumé with your application to LSAC at
  8. Request transcripts from all colleges or universities attended. Transcripts should be submitted by the school(s) directly to LSAC’s CAS. A final transcript denoting that a degree has been granted must be sent to LSAC prior to October 15, but preferably before law school matriculation. If a transcript is not received by this deadline, a student may complete the current semester but will not be permitted to enroll in a subsequent semester until all transcripts are on file.
  9. If you have previously enrolled in a J.D. program at a law school, you are also required to submit (a) a transcript from your prior law school to LSAC, (b) a letter of standing from your prior law school, and (c) a letter of recommendation from one of your law school professors to LSAC.
  10. Check application status. Once your application is submitted, click here to check the status.

Where Should I Send My Letters Of Recommendation, Transcripts, Etc.?

  • LSAT scores, letters of recommendation and transcripts should be sent through LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service (CAS). The Charleston School of Law’s CAS code is 5821. Paper copies and/or email attachments will not be accepted.
  • GRE score reports must be assigned to the law school. The Charleston School of Law’s GRE code is 5033.
  • JD Next score reports must be assigned to the law school.

How Will Applications Be Evaluated? Is There A Minimum LSAT/JD Next/GRE Score I Must Have?

The Charleston School of Law admits students selectively after a thorough but holistic evaluation of all personal and academic criteria. Many factors are considered in the decision to accept an applicant. LSAT performance and undergraduate grade point average (GPA) are statistically proven indicators of law school success. Other factors such as postgraduate work, employment, military experience, community service, extracurricular activities and leadership experience will also be weighed in the decision-making process. All applicants, regardless of LSAT, JD Next, or GRE score, will be considered.

Is The LSAT Required? Can I take the GRE or JD Next? How Long Are My LSAT Scores Valid? Will Multiple Scores Be Averaged?

Completion of the LSAT or JD Next (or GRE based on the conditions below) is required for admission into the Charleston School of Law.

Register to take the LSAT by contacting LSAC online at LSAT scores are valid for five years. The Charleston School of Law will use the high score when multiple LSAT scores are presented.

In an effort to increase the accessibility of law school, the Charleston School of Law will accept the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) under the following conditions:

1. An applicant does not have a reportable LSAT score.

A. If an applicant has a reportable LSAT score on file at any time during the admissions process, the GRE score will not be considered.

B. If an applicant has been admitted with a GRE score, receipt of a subsequent LSAT score will result in a reevaluation of the applicant’s file and admission decision by the Admission Committee.

2. Applicants must submit all GRE scores from the past five years.

Both total and individual section scores are required. The Admission Committee will evaluate scores from all sections of the GRE.

3. Applicants who choose to apply with only a GRE must submit an explanation for why they have chosen to take the GRE over the LSAT.

We encourage all applicants to take the LSAT; while some merit scholarships will be available for GRE applicants, the majority will be for those with an LSAT score.

Are There Any Specific Undergraduate Degree Requirements? What Should I Major In?

Prior to enrolling in the Charleston School of Law, applicants must have received a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. No particular pre-law curriculum or major is required.

Does The Charleston School Of Law Conduct Personal Interviews?

Formal interviews are not part of the normal application process; however, applicants are always welcome to visit the school, attend a class and meet with current students. Contact the Office of Admission by phone, (843) 377.2143, or email for additional information or to schedule an appointment.

How Can Students Currently Enrolled At Another Institution Apply?

In compliance with ABA Standard 509, the Charleston School of Law will accept transfer credit from other ABA approved law schools, provided the student has earned a grade of “C” or better. Students who seek to transfer to the Charleston School of Law are advised that typically an applicant will have completed the first year of law school and that a maximum of 30 credit hours will be accepted on transfer and apply toward a degree from the Charleston School of Law.

In exceptional circumstances, the Dean and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may accept up to 60 transfer credit hours provided any such credit complies with all other requirements of the Charleston School of Law transfer credit policy. Transfer students may be accepted for fall and spring semester.

Any applicant who is currently attending or has previously attended law school is required to submit the following as part of their application for admission:

    • Final transcript with all law school grades
    • A letter of standing from the prior law school
    • A letter of recommendation from a law school professor who can speak to your abilities in the classroom.

What Should I Write On My Personal Statement? Who Should I Contact With Questions?

The Charleston School of Law has compiled application tips to assist you in the application process. The Office of Admission is also available as a resource. If you have questions, concerns or just need to talk to an admission representative, please contact the Office of Admission by phone, (843) 377.2143, or email,

If you have technical issues while completing the application on LSAC’s website, please be sure to contact LSAC directly.

Tuition, Financial Aid and Scholarship Information

What Is Tuition For The Charleston School Of Law J.D. Degree Program?

Per semester tuition is $23,600 for full-time J.D. students and $18,900 for part-time J.D. students. All students pay an annual Student Bar Association fee of $120.

There is no separate tuition rate for out-of-state students.

A complete breakdown of the Cost of Attendance can be found by clicking here.

Does The Charleston School Of Law Offer Scholarships?

The Charleston School of Law offers both academic merit and need-based scholarships. A student’s application to the School of Law serves as the application for merit scholarships. All new, first-year students will be considered for merit scholarship. The LSAT and GPA are the two most important factors in evaluating candidates for merit scholarships.

The average merit scholarship for the fall 2024 entering class was about $22,000.

Need-based scholarship applications are available here, and the application deadline is July 1.

The average need-based scholarship for the fall 2024 entering class was about $6,000.

Please contact the Office of Admission, (843) 377-2143, with questions about scholarships.

Does The Charleston School Of Law Provide Other Forms Of Financial Aid?

Most students will depend on federal student loans to pay for tuition, books and living expenses while in law school.

All prospective students are advised to complete the FAFSA, which serves at the application for the Federal Direct Stafford loan and the Federal Direct Grad PLUS loan. For additional financial aid information, contact the Office of Financial Aid by phone, (843) 377-1102, or email,

To learn more about the financial aid process, visit our Financial Aid page.

Does The Charleston School Of Law Participate In The Yellow Ribbon Program?

The Charleston School of Law appreciates all of those who have served our country. Since 2012, the School of Law has been a proud participant in the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program, also known as the Yellow Ribbon Program.

The program is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. It allows institutions of higher learning (i.e., degree-granting institutions) in the United States to voluntarily enter into an agreement with VA to fund tuition expenses that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition rate.

The institution may contribute up to 50 percent of those expenses and VA will match the same amount as the institution.

Program Information

Do You Offer A Part-Time Option?

The Charleston School of Law offers both full-time and part-time options leading to a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree. The standard course load is 15 credit hours per semester for full-time students.

Part-time students are enrolled in nine (9) credit hours in both their first and second semesters, and 9-11 credit hours in subsequent semesters. It is expected that students enrolling in the full-time division starting with the fall semester will graduate in three years and those who are part-time will graduate in four years.

When Are Part-Time Classes Held?

Part-time students will not have separate class times from full-time students. Classes typically meet twice a week between the hours of 8:20 a.m. and 5:20 p.m. for 80 minutes. We do not have an evening program.

Will Classes Be Scheduled At Convenient Times For Working Students?

Students who are part-time are advised that scheduling flexibility is not unlimited and that there will be certain instances where part-time students will need to arrange their personal and work schedules to attend certain required courses and other graduation requirements when the school schedules those courses and requirements.

It is recommended that full-time students do not work during their first year and, after their first year, do not work more than 20 hours per week in any semester in which they are enrolled in full-time credits. 

What Courses Are Required?

First-year required courses are Torts I and II, Property I and II, Contracts I and II, Civil Procedure, Legal Research Analysis, and Writing I and II, and Academic Skills. Upper level required courses include Bar Preparation Course, Business Organizations, Constitutional Law I and II, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Evidence, Legal Skills, Professional Responsibility, Sales, Secured Transactions, and Wills, Trusts and Estates. Other course requirements include the completion of the Upper-Level Writing Requirement, one Skills Course, and one Drafting Course. Students also must attend Professional Identity Formation Series Lectures, complete a minimum of 50 hours (30 hours if a student enrolled prior to June 2021) of pro bono legal work, and complete Diversity Training to graduate. 

*Please note, the above requirements are subject to change. Please refer to the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook for current policies and more information.

Can Students Enroll In Elective Courses?

First-year courses are predetermined. However, in the second and third years of law school students may choose from a variety of elective courses ranging from Admiralty, Federal Income Taxation, and Sports Law to Intellectual Property, Trial Advocacy, and Pleadings and Practice. Ample opportunities for outside study are also available to students after completing their first-year coursework through externships. For more information on course selections, see the course catalog

Are Any Specializations Offered?

The Charleston School of Law does not offer specializations. However, several upper-level course tracks and specialization designations are available to students after completing their general requirements.

Students with a particular interest in one of these practice areas are encouraged to select a number of elective and skills courses listed in the corresponding course track.

Students interested in another practice area are encouraged to meet with their adviser to discuss the elective courses they should take. In addition, students are encouraged to join a student organization, fulfill their pro bono requirements and complete an externship in their particular area of interest.

Can Currently Enrolled Students Earn Credits Either Through Study Abroad Or At Another Institution?

In certain circumstances, Charleston School of Law students may earn course credit towards their J.D. requirements for courses not taken at the School of Law. For more information about visiting at other ABA Approved Law Schools or studying abroad through co-sponsored programs, please refer to the Academic Catalog and Student Handbook.

Are Online Or Weekend Classes Offered?

All required courses and most elective courses meet on campus between Monday and Friday, and students must be physically present. There may be an occasional elective course offered online or on a weekend.

Bar Passage Data and Placement Statistics

What Is The Current Bar Passage Data For Charleston School Of Law Graduates?

Information on bar passage for graduates of the Charleston School of Law can be found here and also on our webpage with the ABA Required Disclosures, which can be accessed by clicking here.

What Are The Current Statistics On Post-Graduation Placement?

For information about job placement, please click here to view the ABA Employment Summary reports.

General Questions

Where Is The Charleston School Of Law Located?

The Charleston School of Law is located in the heart of downtown Charleston at 385 Meeting Street. The law school sits next door to the Charleston Visitor’s Center and within the King and Meeting Street business districts, known for their museums, arts, dining, upscale shopping, and nightlife.

The Sol Blatt Jr. Law Library is located on the first floor of 385 Meeting Street. The second floor consists mainly of classrooms and study spaces. The third floor includes a few classrooms as well as faculty and staff offices, including the Office of Admission.

Click here for a campus map.

Is The Charleston School Of Law Affiliated With The College Of Charleston?

The Charleston School of Law is a private, stand-alone law school. It is not a part of the College of Charleston or any other school. The only degrees offered are the Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree and Master of Law (LL.M.) in Admiralty and Maritime Law degree.

Can I Work While In Law School?

The Charleston School of Law policy regarding student employment is as follows:

It is recommended that full-time students do not work during their first year and, after their first year, do not work more than 20 hours per week in any semester in which they are enrolled in full-time credits. 

Where Can I Learn More About Campus Life?

Learn more about life at the Charleston School of Law and why students choose our law school by exploring our media center. To experience the law school firsthand, please attend an Open House or schedule a personal visit.

Do You Offer Housing?

The Charleston School of Law does not provide student housing, however, Charleston and the surrounding areas offer many housing options, and the school will assist students in locating suitable housing. In addition, the Office of Admission has a guide to area housing and keeps a roommate list to assist students in finding roommates for the school year.

Please visit our Student Housing webpage for current listing and major apartment rental communities in the area. 

Is The Charleston School Of Law Accredited By The ABA?

The School received full accreditation from the American Bar Association on Aug. 4, 2011. The Charleston School of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312.988.6738.

Is The Charleston School Of Law Licensed?

The Charleston School of Law is licensed by the S.C. Commission on Higher Education.


President’s Day

President’s Day is Monday, February 17. The federal holiday is called Washington’s Birthday, while several US states celebrate it as “Presidents’ Day.”