Faculty Scholarship News

The faculty at Charleston School of Law are renowned nationwide for their research and scholarship. Below are highlights of March 2024 Faculty Scholarship:

Melissa & Adam Harness

Melissa  and Adam Harness had programs accepted to the Southeastern Association of Law Libraries annual meeting.  The Harnesses’ program will educate the attendees about some of our library technology initiatives that are helping with efficiency and alleviate prior issues concerning our students, faculty, and staff.   The titles of their two programs are:

  • Session 5A: A Mishmash Migration to Folio: Best Practices for Making a Smoother Transition and Beyond; Speakers: Marin Dell, Viri Rosas, Adam Harness, Melissa Harness.
  • Session 8A: Mapping more than a library: How StackMap can be used to map an entire law school; Speaker: Adam Harness.

Melanie Regis

On March 2, Professor Melanie Regis presented a work-in-progress at the Junior Scholars Conference in Boston, MA. This was the inaugural conference, and it was held at her alma mater, Northeastern University School of Law. Participants presented their papers in varying disciplines, including critical theory, constitutional law, and environmental law. Regis presented a paper, in-progress, on in the area of teaching/pedagogy, advocating for the incorporation of more skills-building exercises in doctrinal courses.

Gordon Schreck

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Gordon Schreck spoke at the Baker School of Business at The Citadel. Professor Schreck spoke on the intermodal container transportation industry.  Speaking to undergraduate cadets in three classes—Supply Chain Management, Marine Logistics, and Operations Management—he focused on recent challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and geo-political developments. Schreck is the Chair Emeritus of the Maritime Association of South Carolina, and a member and former director of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, he also serves as an industry-sector appointee to the U.S. Coast Guard’s Charleston Area Maritime Security Committee.

Nancy Zisk

Charleston School of Law Professor Nancy Zisk made two presentations in March:

On March 7, Zisk spoke to the Department of Pharmacy at MUSC, entitled “Pharmacists, Medication Safety and The Law,” in which she discussed the duty of care owed by pharmacists to patients and to drug store customers and the implications of admitting mistakes.

The second event was held on March 14 and was presented to the Bioethics Committee of the South Carolina Medical Association entitled “Recent Developments in IVF: A Review of the Alabama Supreme Court and the SC Legislative Response,” in which she discussed the recent Alabama Supreme Court decision declaring that an embryo in the lab is a child and allowing the parents of those embryos to bring a wrongful death action against the health care providers that are storing those embryos when those embryos are destroyed.

Zisk also addressed the implications the decision may have on IVF treatment and abortion rights, how South Carolina responded to the Alabama decision, and what it and other states are now doing either protect the embryos or the clinics that store them.