PUBLICATIONS: The Charleston School of Law Journal for Law and Public Policy is published predominantly online on HeinOnline.
SUBMISSIONS: The Charleston School of Law Journal for Law and Public Policy welcomes articles, essays, and reviews with an emphasis on advocacy for bipartisan public policy measures that support and advance access to economic, political, and social rights and opportunities for all people. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically in Microsoft Word format to the Scholastica webpage.
The Journal for Law and Public Policy considers submissions of fewer than 12,000 words. Text and citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020). Footnotes are preferred over endnotes. We encourage authors to include a brief abstract of the submission, as well as the author’s curriculum vitae. The Journal for Law and Public Policy considers each author’s submission and makes every effort to provide a prompt review. Please allow 3–5 weeks for processing of all electronic submissions.
CONTENT: The Charleston School of Law Journal for Law and Public Policy conforms to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020). Views expressed within articles are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Journal for Law and Public Policy.
COPYRIGHT: Except as otherwise noted, the Law and Public Policy is pleased to grant permission for the copying of articles, notes, and book reviews for classroom use, provided that (1) a proper notice of copyright is attached to each copy (“Reprinted with permission of the Charleston School of Law Journal for Law and Public Policy, Vol. __, pp. __”), (2) the author and source are identified, (3) copies are distributed at or below cost, and (4) the Journal for Law and Public Policy is notified of the use.