Faculty Profile: Kevin Eberle

The Charleston School of Law recently sat down with Professor Kevin Eberle to talk about her passion for teaching the law. In 2004, Eberle joined the Charleston School of Law faculty as an adjunct professor. In 2009, Eberle became a full-time Legal Writing Professor.

Charleston School of Law: Where did you grow up?

Professor Kevin Eberle: Charleston is my hometown.

Charleston School of Law: What are your passions outside the law?

Professor Kevin Eberle: I am tremendously interested in history, conservation, real estate, that kind of stuff.

Charleston School of Law: Is there a particular historical subject matter that fascinates you more than anything?

Professor Kevin Eberle: I live in the uptown up by Hampton Park, which is Charleston’s preeminent downtown large park. I wrote a book about it and that area really interests me. Which has a long history from pre-colonial type to today. I was actually very surprised when I was doing research on the lack of primary source material about that period. I have turned over every stone to look for it, and it’s just not out there.

Charleston School of Law: What skills and talents do you have outside of teaching?

Professor Kevin Eberle: I can do a surprising number of things associated with restoring an old house.

Charleston School of Law: Is this knowledge you acquired while working on the cottage home you purchased recently?

Professor Kevin Eberle: When I moved to Charleston after law school in 1996 I bought an old house that I now live in. Everything about that house needed work. I’ve done floor refinishing, plumbing, electrical, all that kind of stuff.

Charleston School of Law: How did you learn how to do that?

Professor Kevin Eberle: It seems hard to believe, but I learned a lot from the actual old source material. A lot of it was done by reading and specialty magazines and publications. Now, if I needed to teach myself how to plaster a wall, I would just go to YouTube. Yeah. But that wasn’t an option at the time.

Charleston School of Law: Are you a music fan?

Professor Kevin Eberle: When I was young, my parents got a piano, which I have in my house. I took lessons, thought that I would enjoy it more, but like, I think most 12 and 13 year old you’re not that motivated to practice the piano. It’s a great regret of mine that I didn’t stick with it.

Charleston School of Law: What’s the most rewarding part of teaching for you?

Professor Kevin Eberle: I enjoy the friendships that I have with my former students. In fact, every year I invite my students out to Juanita Greenberg’s for drinks and appetizers. There are about 200 of them now. I invite them all back to come back and meet the new students.

Charleston School of Law: Who influenced your teaching style?

Professor Kevin Eberle: I had a criminal procedure professor who had an interesting way of doing testing, which I copied. He broke the semester into thirds, and at the end of the first third we would form teams of four. Then he gave us a prompt, like a fact pattern and said, I want you all your team, to write an opinion based on the cases that we had read in class. I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but in hindsight I learned so much from doing that. I remember our team debating for hours about why we were right. I learned so much about from those discussions.


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